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  • in reply to: hmm glad I’m not in Peterborough this weekend #1229368

      @General Lighting 399648 wrote:

      I didn’t go but I remember it, they had the brains to do it in Spring 😉

      You’re right, that was in the spring. April I believe, easter bank holiday. King’s Lynn, I think it is still my #1 free party of all-time.

      in reply to: hmm glad I’m not in Peterborough this weekend #1229367

        My all-time favorite 3-dayer was autumn in peterborough 😛 Still, there is such a thing as a weather forecast >.< Was nice and sunny at that party.

        in reply to: wormholes! #1229289

          Wormholes are a very crazy concept mate. I was actually lucky enough to see Hawking give a lecture at Cal Tech about a year ago, and the concepts that get brought up are just mind blowing. All fact and physics kind of go out the window in space, while they are also the only thing we can use to calculate anything out there. Helluva conundrum!

          in reply to: Damn it’s been a while #1229196

            @p0ly 399191 wrote:

            I’m singiiiiing (dancing) in the raaaain

            Hahaha! Pretty much sums up every Scottish party I’ve ever been to, lol!

            in reply to: Damn it’s been a while #1229195

              @General Lighting 399137 wrote:

              On a wider note suffolkravas will be safer in Suffolk than LA when things really go to shit.. at least we’ve got the remnants of social welfare provisions and less nutters with guns.

              Well said 🙂

              in reply to: Damn it’s been a while #1229194

                @General Lighting 399067 wrote:

                Its legals or nothing now in East Anglia. There was Waveform and Unity Tribe but its now cops, sniffer dogs and an atmosphere of only being grudgingly endured despite forking out loads of money simply to be there.

                its not just the cops but the whole of society has turned against the electronic dance music scene and next its the normal townie places what are going to be shut down. You are better off going to London or Up North for dance music events as these areas depend on the money from them now. The biggest irony is because EA makes a lot of easier money from traditional family tourism especially coast and countryside the music scene (including mainstream pop music!) is often more hassle than its worth as it attracts more crime.

                Normal folk are becoming ashamed to even drink alcohol or stay out too late here, or they are just too tired from their day jobs to bother with socialising.

                This time round the economic depression has made things worse, “they” always find money for cops and social control whatever happens and because of the 1990s and how stubborn people are in EA they won’t forgive and forget what happened last time raves were popular.

                It’s a shame really, but you can’t entirely blame society for being against us. I can’t even convey how many times I’ve been at parties where a group of kids will just stomp down a chain-link fence and put bricks through warehouse windows, and even throw them at the police when they come to tell us it’s time to stop. Even things like This Video taken at the last party I ever attended in the UK just make us look like villains and criminals to the public eye. So we can’t entirely blame society for being squares or what have you, it’s just that when a group of people come about a good thing that gives them a certain amount of freedom, the tendency is to push it to its furthest limits until it gets snatched right back away :-/

                in reply to: future of vinyl records on the dance music scene? #1097264

                  I think I stand by everyone when I say that in an ideal world, vinyl would be the industry standard, and CDJs would not have had the impact that they have upon the world of electronic music production and live performance.

                  The fact is that 90% of the tunes that are coming out nowadays (pretty much any new tracks that aren’t D&B coming out of the UK) won’t even be released on vinyl nowadays, and to have the most broad arsenal of tracks possible at your disposal, you will have to resort to a digital form of performance. As disappointing as it is, CDJs and Serato give us a plethora of tunes at our disposal with all of the free downloads and artist releases all over the internet right now, and the difference between being able to download 100 full HD 320’s for free in 1 day and hunting down a single track for weeks before finding it, and generally paying a fiver + another couple quid to be able to feel that 1 track on vinyl is vast. It is almost a requirement to spin digitally if you are planning on progressing at the same speed as the tracks are being released. Regardless, I myself would never give up spinning vinyl entirely, because there’s nothing like throwing down a pure set of classics on wax, and while everybody is spinning CDs and laptops, that one great vinyl performance definitely stands out when you do get to see it (or be it!) every now and again.

                  in reply to: Your Word of the Week! #1206578

                    Homeslice. It sends people over the edge when you throw that their way while they’re trying to give a large one over here in the states xD

                    in reply to: Damn it’s been a while #1229193

                      @DaftFader 399060 wrote:

                      Same thing isn’t it? :laugh_at:

                      When you coming back over? I think there’s a small PV meet up in london around the 24th? nov.

                      I’d love to make it out for that if I can, it’s mainly a financial issue right now. Even though I’ve heard your economy has been fucked just as hard, we are getting hurt really bad in the job-department of any industry you could think of.

                      But I should make it out there eventually, definitely by next summer is where I’m setting my goal. Been itching to get some actual jungle out of my system and kick it with some good dirty people in the mud and the rain! All we get out here is dubstep, electro house, jump-up, clubs, and heatwaves! Not my scene to be quite honest! I loves me some rain and gloom :love:

                      in reply to: Damn it’s been a while #1229192

                        @DaftFader 399056 wrote:

                        Ello mate. long time 😀 where is it that you are atm? US of A?

                        Yep, good ol’ LA, home of the crackheads and movie stars. Just had a mate visit from London and it’s gotten me completely homesick for England. I’ve been away for almost 3 years now without visiting, and that’s a bit much for me to be comfortable with.

                        in reply to: alright boiz #1174835
                          General Lighting;223574 wrote:
                          people are going towards TENS events (£21 for a license for 500 people, a very recent thing) and as Binge said trying to learn proper event management skills what they should have already been applying anyway whether or not the event was licensed.

                          Losing a rig friends have spent hours building and/or people losing their liberty isn’t a matter to be taken lightly. Both have happened to young friends of mine very recently, with more at risk of doing time.

                          OK rigs can be replaced but its often done by selling drugs, which leads to more people either getting into patterns of problematic use, or getting caught and sent to jail for dealing.

                          And yes British prisons aren’t that harsh (for instance people regularly walk out of “holiday bay” near me, and then when they find themselves homeless and hungry and on the run in Ipswich walk straight back in! :laugh_at:)

                          but – its still shit and boring being in the can, and as you know its a small world and people have long memories, I’ve known local companies refuse interviews for jobs because they’ve done a background check on someone and found they’ve done time and 66% of employers will never employ someone whose been in prison, even for a relatively trivial offence

                          worst of all the charges most rave crew people will be done for would signify a culture of disobedience and dishonesty – your time inside is short, but outside you could be doing a life sentence…

                          you definately have a point, i just started thinking about it though and those are pretty much the same penalties we’ve had out here for the undergrounds for years. thats why its really hard to find them but when they get busted they get busted hard. people still do it though :-/

                          in reply to: alright boiz #1174834
                            binge;223559 wrote:
                            I’m trying to wok out if I know you- being from Bury? I’m guessing you mean the !***** boys who are still doing wicked nights in studio and organised the Philosophers fair a few weeks back……..

                            i dunno mate, im not talkin bout wickid nights round the studio but its probly just them tryna act like the little rudeboys init. i dunno, i lived round the howard estate when i was down there, what about you?

                            in reply to: alright boiz #1174833

                              show no fear the dirty babylon init :group_hug

                              in reply to: alright boiz #1174832

                                wow they need to get their priorities straight… when did all this begin happening? and why is noone doing anything at all? just scared of losing their rig and getting locked up?

                                in reply to: alright boiz #1174831

                                  na i know my mates out there are doing illegals but theyr probly keeping it real underground. theyr probly just being stupid ^_^ so does that mean that the penalties and means of finding and shutting the parties down have increased?

                                  in reply to: alright boiz #1174830

                                    :-O im sorry to hear that! i didnt know about all that, my rig contacts over there say theyr still doing something every now and again but they didnt tell me about a serious lockdown! i was gonna head over there for the summer but now im not too sure:cry: what do you mean by lockdown? how can they stop it from happenning if it was already illegal?

                                    in reply to: alright boiz #1174829

                                      im in los angeles right now mate, got a good little setup out here with a job and a pretty respected crew. we are a legal crew(as far as the public eye knows:bounce_fl) and its been goin really good. very different scene out here, lots of fun, though the tunes they play are a lot different. i miss my hardtrance and oldschool jungle 🙁 its all house and trance and DNB out here. some BANGIN house tho


                               got all the dj gear youll every need at the cheapest price youll find of any new retail shop. shipping policies are good too, theyr free to the USA, probably real cheap to UK


                                 got all the dj gear youll every need at the cheapest price youll find of any new retail shop. shipping policies are good too, theyr free to the USA, probably real cheap to UK

                                          in reply to: Studio 3 B.S.E #1211208

                                            hehe there are flyers everywhere uptown bury theres somethin goin on most every weekend. too bad aron lung’s been locked up, he was an ace DJ… :hopeless:

                                            in reply to: Studio 3 B.S.E #1154099

                                              hehe there are flyers everywhere uptown bury theres somethin goin on most every weekend. too bad aron lung’s been locked up, he was an ace DJ… :hopeless:

                                              in reply to: Amp Problems #1152696

                                                if your still lookin for an affordable amp that will power 2x 650 @ 8 ohms and u want the lights id go for the crown xti4000 theyr not too bad on the wallet and theyve got great features u can set em all up to sound however u want on a little screen they got on em and theyve got perfect sound mate. cant ever go wrong with crowns 😀 tho ive never tried the ones your on about mate but ive helped some boys out who have had lots of other amps and i trust my crowns a lot more than theirs. good luck however you go mate need to keep the ol rigs goin out there. i heard everythings gotten worse in the uk partywise due to OB after that 1 BK party in yarmouth? thats the last one i went to while i was out there but thats what my friends ave been tellin me. hope u dont get any equipment taken :yakk:

                                                in reply to: Amp Problems #1208699

                                                  if your still lookin for an affordable amp that will power 2x 650 @ 8 ohms and u want the lights id go for the crown xti4000 theyr not too bad on the wallet and theyve got great features u can set em all up to sound however u want on a little screen they got on em and theyve got perfect sound mate. cant ever go wrong with crowns 😀 tho ive never tried the ones your on about mate but ive helped some boys out who have had lots of other amps and i trust my crowns a lot more than theirs. good luck however you go mate need to keep the ol rigs goin out there. i heard everythings gotten worse in the uk partywise due to OB after that 1 BK party in yarmouth? thats the last one i went to while i was out there but thats what my friends ave been tellin me. hope u dont get any equipment taken :yakk:

                                                  in reply to: Online record stores #1153174

                                                    chemical records is what i use if im after something thats pretty mainstream and not too obscure, although if im after somethin rare and proppa bangin that u cant find in any stores i go to but you gotta read peoples feedback and item descriptions before you buy anything, use your greater judgement, ive never been ripped off and ive got some quality tunes from there like dj ricci – the game and max b grant – beeping i definately reccomend it if u cant find something elsewhere. good luck :group_hug

                                                    in reply to: Online record stores #1209946

                                                      chemical records is what i use if im after something thats pretty mainstream and not too obscure, although if im after somethin rare and proppa bangin that u cant find in any stores i go to but you gotta read peoples feedback and item descriptions before you buy anything, use your greater judgement, ive never been ripped off and ive got some quality tunes from there like dj ricci – the game and max b grant – beeping i definately reccomend it if u cant find something elsewhere. good luck :group_hug

                                                    Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 466 total)